INTRODUCTION The evangelistic mission of the church is not an option. In large measure it defines the church”s existence and purpose. Yet this essential task of bringing the gospel to the world constitutes a perplexing challenge for the church today. How are lost people, in a society as secularized as our own, to be reached […]
This article was an address delivered at Chapel, January 28, 1997, Westminster Theological Seminary (PA). Text: Titus 2 (NASV) The word “celebrate” has fallen on hard times these days. Here I am I referring specifically to the use of the Word in the context of worship. It used to be that if we spoke of […]
In our discussions of music in the church, we have seen the fundamental importance of congregational singing mirrored in its divine provision and divine preservation. Today we focus upon a segment of the congregation which assists the congregation in song — the choir. It is important at the outset to emphasize that, although choirs play […]
Melbourne, Australia, has just had a number of experiences which only reinforce the fact that we have a tremendous privilege in simple, reverent worship and Christ-centered preaching based on proper exposition of Scripture. You will recall the Roman church’s teaching about indulgences prior to the Reformation in the sixteenth century—how God could be bought. Perhaps […]
John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion was published in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1536. In our modern age, when some Christians go around saying that God is love (that’s true) but seem embarrassed about His other attributes (holiness, righteousness, little things like that), Calvin’s work, taken to heart and mind is a wonderful antidote. Let […]
Three weeks ago, Selwa Roosevelt, who was Ronald Reagan’s chief of protocol and is now described as a “Washington journalist” (she did cover Embassy Row parties 20 years ago), wrote a column for The Washington Post. In it she made a claim we have heard before, that if the Republican Party fails to abandon its […]
Jennifer and Bill had been married for a few years. Their fights had become intense in recent months, their “happy times” fewer and of shorter duration. They’d been attending your church that entire time. Their background had been one of superficial religiousity, yet they had testisfied to a genuine experience of conversion when they had […]
The movie Evita opened in theaters in Argentina in February. Several theaters were attacked and a variety of protests were mounted. The critics of the movie were not objecting to the moral life of Madonna, the movie’s star, or to the artistic quality of the film and its music. They were protesting the movie’s some-what […]
One of the characteristic features of dispensationalism is its insistence upon a “literal” reading of the Bible. In the history of dispensationalism, many of its advocates have alleged that alternative millennial views reflect a low view of the Scripture’s authority because they do not follow a literal hermeneutic.1 Especially when it comes to the prophecies […]
IN THE FACE OF GOD by Michael Horton. Dallas, TX: Word Pub., 1996. Pp xvi + 241. $18.99. Reviewed by Steven Van Eck. Michael Horton tackles the topic of spirituality with the vigor approaching a Luther tacking his 95 Theses on Wittenburg’s door. He takes up the cudgel against […]