(a Litany for Christmas) LEADER – From the very beginning of time there was light in this world. Genesis 1:3 tells us that God said. “‘Let there be light’ and there was light.” Not only was there physical light which is necessary for physical life, but there was also spiritual light. “God saw all that […]
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). Every year at this time the attention of Christians comes back again and again to one miracle in the Bible: The Virgin Birth of Jesus. Our […]
My roommate Roger was big on efficiency. He told me he tossed his socks under the bed so they could collect dust-balls around them. That way when he picked them up for washing, he swept the floor at the same time. That’s what he said, but whenever his girl was due to come by he […]
We’re crazy, you know. Our society becomes temporarily insane, beginning earlier and earlier each year. We become faddish: decorating front lawns with garish and silly plywood cutouts of Santa and reindeer, or (my all time favorite in the North Dallas “light shows”) the 7 dwarfs. (What in the world does Dopey have to do with […]
Ecumenical Jihad: Ecumenism and the Culture War by Peter Kreeft. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996. Reading Ecumenical Jihad by Peter Kreeft, is a unique experience. Many of us share with Peter Kreeft this intensity of feeling regarding the by-products of secularization in the life of Americans. But I […]
It was probably the largest gathering Washington has ever seen, but the real power of “Stand in the Gap,” sponsored by the Christian men’s movement known as Promise Keepers, was in its consistent refusal to speak of, or attempt to influence the government. Even the stage was turned away from the Capitol building. Speakers had […]
The Holy Scriptures are the authority on the work of the Holy Spirit. All Scripture is inspired by God. The focal point of Scripture is the LordJesus Christ. So, what better source to goto than to the four Gospels, in which we see the Spirit’s work in preparing Jesus and preparing us to know Him? […]
In my earlier surveys of the four primary millennial views, I promised to valuate each of these views from the standpoint of Scripture. So far I have attempted to keep this promise in respect to the views known as historic premillennialism and dispensational premillennialism. Not only have we considered the basic problem of all pre-millennial […]
BEGINNING WITH JOHN’S GOSPEL by Susan Harding Paperback, 68pp., $5.99 ISBN 0851516874 Writing for children aged seven to ten, Susan Harding uses the opening verses of John’s Gospel to explain who Jesus was and why He came into the world. Explaining each phrase of John’s marvelous description of Jesus, Beginning With John’s Gospel also shows […]
The ugly specter of hierarchy is never very far removed from the church, and at present it is raising its head in the CRC. A study committee was appointed in 1995 to review the process used by churches leaving the denomination and to review the Articles of Incorporation in use among the churches. Its recommendation […]