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After many years of struggle over the issue of women in church office, Synod 1994 of the Christian Reformed Church stated unequivocably that it is the clear teaching of Scripture that only men shall occupy the authoritative offices of minister and elder. They buttressed their position with ample evidence from Scripture. And, although there was […]

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Synod 1996: No Turning Back

From a historical point of view, it was perhaps one of the more poignant moments in the sessions of the 1996 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. In the context of this synod’s debates regarding interchurch relations and the contentious issue of women in ecclesiastical office, a portion of a letter from […]

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Another Sign Post on the Road to Destruction

Ten years ago, the Supreme Court upheld a Georgia law that criminalized homosexual practice. Now, in a 6–3 ruling, the Court says a majority of Colorado citizens cannot pass laws that “discriminate” against people engaged in practices it acknowledges can be labeled “criminal.” How can this be since certain rights—such as voting obtaining credit or […]

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Berkouwer on Providence and Election

In this discussion of Dr. Berkouwer’s view of Providence and Election, Dr. Carl Bogue points out Berkouwer’s unwillingness to accept reprobation as the flip side of God’s election. The “hard sayings” of the Canons of Dort, the idea of reprobation, the rejection of some, is a problem to Berkouwer. But at the same time, Berkouwer […]

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The Need for a Sure Word

“Bend me, shape me, anyway you want me…” So crooned the 1960’s group, American Breed. What was once a snappy sing-a-long chart buster has somehow become the marketing jingle for many Evangelicals’ attitude toward the Bible. Among many who were once the most orthodox, the Bible has now developed an incredible elasticity lending new meaning […]

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Elders at Prayer

Over recent years, this column has sounded a call for pastoral care by elders (especially). For that period of time, I have argued that many Reformed churches are losing touch with the divine pattern for the care of Christ’s church precisely because we have allowed ourselves to think of the eldership as an administrative board, […]

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Prominent GKN Minister Regrets Synodical Action

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (June 17, 1996) URNS — “It’s a pity” said Dr. Klaas Runia, retired rector of the theological seminary of the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (GKN) at the Dutch city of Kampen, regarding the decision of the CRC synod to intensify restrictions on fraternal relations with his denomination. Although a large GKN delegation […]

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Faith on Trial: The Sufferings of John Calvin

Eternal life is promised to us, but it is promised to the dead; we are told of the resurrection of the blessed, but meantime we are involved in corruption; we are declared to be just, and sin dwells within us; we hear that we are blessed, but meantime we are overwhelmed by untold miseries…Faith is […]

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (June 7, 1996) URNS — A few short weeks after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the apostle Peter declared to an astounded crowd in Jerusalem that “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Nearly two […]

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d purposes it was a typical Christian Reformed ordination examination. Delegates offered sermon evaluations, questions were asked in the areas of practical and biblical and theological competency. What set the July 4 exam apart, however, was the fact that a woman was answering the questions. Ruth Hofman became the first female candidate to be examined […]

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