In this article I intend to (1) document from the pages of the Calvin Theological Journal that there are some in the church today who contend that the Biblical condemnation of homosexual activity is not clear and unquestionable, (2) show that the grounds which Synod 1995 used to justify women in office are very similar […]
We are printing the following bulletin from a “wedding” ceremony of two homosexuals. The names of the participants have been replaced with generic language to preserve anonymity. This ceremony demonstrates that the issue of “faithful, monogamous relationships” (gay marriages) is not merely academic. Such “marriages” are actually being performed by clergy with the blessing of […]
The following is a Biblical review of Scripture related to the moral issues of homosexuality: Prepared by Samuel A. Cravotta President, West Virginia A.F.A. Foundation, 3008 Glen Drive, Martinsburg, WV 254201. DICTIONARY DEFINITIONS • Concupiscence: Unlawful, illicit or abnormal sexual desire; strong or abnormal sexual appetite. • Sodomite: Male Cult (Homosexual) Prostitute; a person who […]
BACKGROUND: THREAT TO CHURCHES The church community in the United States has played a critical role in protecting and expanding civil rights for qualified minorities. As a result, Americans of diverse ethnic origin now enjoy a greater level of economic opportunity and religious liberty than ever before. In turn employers, employees, churches and church member […]
What is Gnosticism? A great question for a Bible study, seminary exam, or discussion with fellow ministers. I can remember studying about it in seminary, but I must confess I had a difficult time getting a handle on this heresy that plagued the early church. I read and heard how it had something to do […]
Haggai 1:6 Many of God’s people in exile in Babylon had returned to Palestine to rebuild the temple, but opposition to the building caused it to cease. The people began making excuses for their failure to continue building. God sent His prophet Haggai urging them to examine themselves and their attitudes. “Consider your ways,” he […]
A report by the Department of Education about American public school students’ ignorance of history is no surprise. Similar studies have shown a mostly discouraging trend for more than 20 years. But the response from those who are responsible for the deplorable intellectual and social conditions in schools, while not surprising, is a triumph of […]
Last month we began looking at some common statements in our day that indicate a sense of confessional indifference. This month we continue with another one of those statements: 2. “IT IS ALL A MATTER OF INTERPRETATION” This statement comes in other forms: “That’s just your opinion,” or […]
(This article is taken from an address given at the “Growing Reformational Churches” conference held December 7–9, 1995 at First Christian Reformed Church in Chino, CA and jointly sponsored by that church and Westminster Theological Seminary in California.) Americans are forward-looking. Their interests are in the future and in progress. They tend to agree with […]
(If TV stations can show reruns, this column can repeat articles printed some time ago. This article, on the Biblical understanding of the nature and spirit of the office of elder, was first printed about 5 years ago. It is reprinted here without apology to those who read it the first time. Fact is, many […]