Thank God for…Hope

“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, a Lord my God. Give light to my […]

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The Challenge and Character of Peacemaking

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 What follows is an adaptation of a sermon preached by Rev. Andrew Cammenga, pastor of Escondido CRC, CA. Peace. The first time “peace” is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 15:15. God is speaking to His […]

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We want to thank Dr. Carl W. Bogue for his outstanding presentation and critique of the views of the late Dr. G.C. Berkouwer which have had a profound impact on the recent history of the Christian Reformed Church due to the fact that too many of our professors in denominational institutions have been trained at […]

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Under the Cloak of Unity

The 1996 Synod of the CRC had as one of its buzz words: “Unity.” The delegates wanting women in the offices of elder and minister in the CRC argued for unity again and again, along with using such words as: peace, love, brothers and love for the church. Those opposed to the ordination of women […]

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Reformed Homeschooling

At times I fail to appreciate the literature and speakers that are at the forefront of the homeschool movement. I mentioned this to a friend and she said, “That’s because they are not Reformed.” “Reformed” I mused; “I thought homeschooling was academics; what did ‘reformed’ have to do with it?” The question remains continually in […]

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Lessons from Haggai (#9): Haggai 2:14

“So it is with this people and this nation in my sight,” declared the Lord. “Whatever they do and whatever they offer there is defiled.” Haggai 2:14 Haggai’s third message to the people was one of condemnation. They had obeyed God and begun rebuilding the Temple, but their heart was not in it. They were plodding […]

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Reflections on the “Uniqueness of Jesus Christ”

Throughout my missionary career, I had two main goals: 1) Present ing the Gospel to the followers of Islam from a specifically Reformed perspective, and 2) Challenging certain trends which were in conflict with the historic mission of the universal church. In reflecting on the work of missions from William Carey’s days to the early […]

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Passing the Point of No Return

If nations can reach a point of no return, America crossed it recently when the US Senate failed to override President Clinton’s veto of a bill that would have outlawed a hideous form of child killing known as partial-birth abortion. If this nation will not protect human life at a time when it can strive […]

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The Problem with Pre-millennialism

During the course of our brief survey of the four major millennial views, I promised to evaluate these views by the standard of the Scriptures. Indeed, this is the most important task that remains so far as the subject of the millennium is concerned, namely, to determine which, if any, of these major millennial views […]

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Church & World November 1996

TWO MORE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCHES SECEDE In two unconnected votes, Bethany CRC in the Chicago suburb of South Holland, Illinois, and Franklin Lakes CRC in New Jersey have both seceded from the denomination. In Bethany, South Holland, only 14 of over a hundred votes cast indicated a desire to remain in the Christian Reformed denomination, […]

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