Reformed People in Hungary

A Family Visit “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners” (Hebrews 13:3, NIV). “Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them, and them that suffer adversity” (Hebrews 13:3, KJV). A few months ago these words of the Scripture took on new meaning for me. No, I did not visit […]

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The “Great Debate” on Education

The Newsletter of the Christian ParentTeacher League represents and promotes the comparatively new Christian school movement in Great Britain. Its editor is Mr. David Silversides, 71 Beechwood Rd., EAGLESCLIFFE, Stockton TS16 OAS. We reprint this article from the January, 1978, issue, written by J. J. Harding. Although addressing the British situation, its clear analysis of […]

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Inflation is a Moral Problem

Corroborating the point of this article is an editorial by Marvin Stone on the concluding page of the March 23, 1981, U.S. News and World Report entitled “A Nation of Thieves?” Mr. Stone quotes the observation of William M. Werber, retired business executive, that “economists are on the wrong track in treating inflation as an […]

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Report on Capital Punishment

A. Report 29 (Capital Punishment) in the 1979 Acts of Synod was received by Synod and referred to all of our churches for study reflection and response to the Study Committee. All of our consistories are urged to study the report and to submit their response or suggestions to the Study Committee by Oct. 15, […]

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Life’s Highlights

It was a rare occasion. We were flying to Utah for a weekend, and I had been included in the plans! Plans that had been in the making for months. In the next three days we were going to be very busy. My husband was scheduled to speak in Ogden the first night at an […]

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What Will Synod 1981 Say to God?

“It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us . . .” (Acts 15:28). With these words the apostles and elders who gathered at Jerusalem for the first general assembly or synod of the Christian church characterized the decisions they had reached. What the conferees at Jerusalem were saying was that the decisions they […]

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“Postponement of Execution?”

Postponement of execution. This was the startling title of an article written by Dr. J. Plomp in the Gereformeerde Weekblad (Reformed Weekly), August 1, 1980, commenting on the meeting of theReformed Ecumenical Synod in Nimes, France. Dr. Plomp’s observations raise some fundamental questions about the continuation of the RCN (Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands) membership […]

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The work of Christian Reformed missionaries in Mexico has recently been going through a crisis. Especially in this concluding article on Missions in Mexico, Rev. Neal Hegeman helps us to better understand the problems of our mission there. The Hegemans are at present at Apartado 100, San Francisco de Dos Rios, San Jose, Costa Rica, […]

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Bach’s Musical Response To Biblical Criticism

It is commonly assumed and sometimes expressly claimed that today’s “higher” criticism of the Bible is really a new problem—the results of revolutionary scientific discoveries in our time. A little indepth acquaintance with the history of the Christian church in any of a number of periods in its past plainly reveals the error of that […]

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Northern California Chapter News

–Past History– The Northern California Chapter, I believe, was the first chapter to be organized in 1960. Dr. Gilbert Den Dulk, who was then a board member of the national organization, encouraged the forming of local chapters. At an organizational meeting six men signed up as charter members: Rev. Jacob Weersing, Rev. John DeJong, Dr. […]

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