Report on Synod

The Synod of 1980 is now history. Though the agenda for this year was not as “hefty” as in some previous years, there was a considerable amount of material with which the delegates were asked to deal. It makes you wonder, after it’s all over, if all matters were as carefully considered as they should […]

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A Covanantal Education (IV)

Among the issues about which there is increasing confusion and division in our churches, one concerns educa tion. In this case also let’s try to see the situation more clearly by considering side-by–side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by an increasing number in our churches. (1) […]

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Tribute to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Introduction to Dr. Lloyd-Jones In The Calvin Forum in February, 1943 Dr. Clarence Bouma, the editor, called attention to a little book, The Plight of Man and the Power of God. He hailed it as “a gem of 120 pages” which “ought to be on the desk of every preacher in the English-speaking world. And […]

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The teachings of the Christian faith are often studied under the six divisions of, the doctrines of (1) God, (2) Man, (3) Christ, (4) Salvation, (5) the Church, and (6) the Future. In this article Dr. Lubbertus Oostendorp, who recently retired after spending the last 15 years of his service as a minister teaching Christian […]

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Thessalonian Lessons – Lessons 1 and 2

Henry Vander Kam, pastor of the CR Church at Doon, Iowa, begins a series of studies on the letters to the Thessalonians, letters which focus attention especially on the Return of Christ. Lesson 1 – I Thessalonians 1 On his second missionary journey the Apostle Paul had also come to the city of Thessalonica. This […]

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God the Friend and Protector of the Righteous

And Abraham drew near and said, Wilt thou consume the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there are fifty righteous in the city: wilt thou consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked. Shall […]

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Letters to the Editor

ON THE HOSPICE MOVEMENT The Rev. Mr. E. L. Hebden Taylor’s treatise entitled “First Legalized Abortion Now Legalized Euthanasia” in the June 1980 issue of the Outlook contains statements upon which I must comment. My perspective is that of a Christian, professional critical care nurse with thirty years of nursing experience. For me, the challenge […]

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A Look at Books

THE PROPHET JONAH by Hugh Martin. Paperback. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. $6.95. Reviewed by Fred Gunnink. Here is a commentary that should be welcomed into every preacher’s library. Its sheer volume, 460 pages, gives the indication that a thorough study and exegesis has gone into its preparation. And the reader will not be […]

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