Sell our Heritage for a Song?

A few years ago, I was invited to conduct the worship services at a Christian Reformed church in western Michigan. Before the evening service, as I sat in the consistory room, one of the elders informed me that a vocal group from a local Baptist church would be presenting some “special music” before and during […]

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The Condition of Real Freedom

“If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” “If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:31, 32, 38). July 4 is commonly considered to be our nation’s birthday. That was the […]

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Christian Schools Founders’ Aims

Senator Robert VanderLaan, Minority Leader of the Michigan State Senate, is a former Christian School teacher and a member of the Millbrook Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids. One of the first board members of the Dutton Christian School, he was the speaker at its 25th anniversary celebration on March 18, 1980. In a brief […]

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A Break Overdue!

The Banner of April 25, 1980 contained an excellent and informative guest editorial by Rev. W. Haverkamp entitled: “The Dutch Decisions Regarding Homosexuals.” The writer speaks of “appalling decisions” which the Gereformeerde Kerken of the Netherlands have taken concerning the matter of homosexuals and the failure of this denomination to consult with others, with whom […]

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Separation and Divorce

We are all in agreement that there has to be a separation of church and state, but not a divorce between the two. What bothers us these days is to observe the way in which that concept has changed from “separateness” or “distinctiveness” to a situation which resembles the breakdown of a marriage. We notice […]

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The Writings of Augustine

Augustine of Hippo lived and worked in the intermediate age after the decline of classical civilisation before the beginning of western culture. Though this period is sometimes neglected, it was the era of the first great doctrinal controversies and theological definitions. By the time of his death in 430 Augustine had become well known as […]

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A Godly Life

These articles are an effort to focus attention on some basic issues which trouble our churches, by presenting side-by-side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view, and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by many in the churches. This article deals with a godly life. (1) The Biblical Reformed View God’s Word teaches us that […]

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The Place of Women in the Bible: A Critique

You may have noticed t he publicity recently received by The Place of Women in the Bible, a Bible Study Series by Rev. Verlyn Verbrugge. This pamphlet deals with the place of women in the church, and more particularly women in ecclesiastical office. Surrounded by the intense discussion concerning women in church office, you may […]

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Sheba’s Queen Marveling at Solomon’s Glory

And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem (II Chron. 9:1–9). “The ends of all the earth shall hear, And turn unto the Lord in fear.” Those words were already being fulfilled in the visit of this stranger at Jerusalem. Isn‘t […]

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Canadian CR Church Growth

In this second article on “Church Growth,” Neal Hegeman, a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary, with a Canadian background and missionary interest and some experience in Latin America, surveys the CR churches’ growth in Canada. I. Introduction In the first article of this series on church growth in the CRC I suggested that we should […]

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