But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. Heb. 2:9 Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name All Thy wondrous works proclaim; In the heavens with radiant signs […]
When we still lived in the vicinity of St. Joseph’s Seminary in Grand Rapids, it was not at all rare to encounter the late aging Father Maloney on the street as we were both seeking a breath of fresh air or at the pharmacy where we both had prescriptions filled. He had at one time […]
(Translation of Prof. C. Veenhof’s Om Kerk te blijven) The confession of the church testifies that we believe the church. It declares specifically that we do not believe in the church. We believe in God the Father and in Jesus Christ, His only–begotten Son, and in the Holy Spirit. Saying the same thing in slightly […]
In an effort to illuminate some of our important church problems recent OUTLOOKS have at the Board‘s suggestion contained articles attempting to present side–by-side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by an increasing number in our churches. The March issues contained such a presentation of I. The […]
THE TREND TOWARD EVANGELISM The topic of evangelism has been receiving a great deal of attention in recent years. New materials dealing with the subject appear annually, and a host of seminars and conferences explaining the how’s and why’s of evangelism have been conducted. There is no reason to suppose that this trend will soon […]
To the Christian Jesus Christ is all–important. Everything we know about Him is precious and essential. We consider His two natures (human and divine) and bow in awe while our hearts rejoice. We meditate on His name and titles (Jesus, Christ and Lord) and we are comforted. We analyze His triple office (Prophet, Priest and […]
There was a time when grandpas and grandmas would point to the little red or white schoolhouses which dotted the countrysides of this great land and say, “That‘s where I learned my three R’s.” By “three R’s” they meant reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic. These three processes were considered to be the essential equipment to get […]
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is Associate Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary and Associate minister of the Trinity Christian Reformed Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was converted while in High School and joined the Christian Reformed Church at Alameda, California, took his undergraduate work at Stanford University, in California, obtained theM. Div. Degree […]
One of the areas in our Christian Reformed Churches that is most often a concern to the elders is the area of what is called “the young adults.” This group of young people are roughly described as between high school graduation and marriage. In conversations with elders from almost any Christian Reformed Church, sooner or […]
Neal Hegeman is a senior at Calvin Theological Seminary. He has coached and taught physical education at Reformed Bible College and himself been extensively involved in college athletics. He minored in P.E. at Wilfrid Laurier University at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He hopes to enter missionary service under the Christian Reformed Board of World Missions in […]