At the last meeting of Classis Orange City a decision was taken which is of extreme significance to the life of the Christian Reformed Church. Unfortunately, many of the delegates, and perhaps many of you who read this, view the decision as the proper means of bringing a “naughty” congregation back into line. But other, far […]
Recently a missionary said: “Violence against Christians is on the increase in every part of the world, the West included. God is removing His restraints, with the result that political oppression, polarization of peoples and ideas and harsh raw violence are surfacing everywhere, and as it was in the days of the early church, men […]
Current developments in the Christian Reformed Churches are rapidly driving those of us who are members of it toward having to make some difficult decisions. In last month‘s OUTLOOK Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel reported at length especially on the way in which the June Synod handled the matter of women‘s eligibility for church offices. From […]
A Unique Event One wonders whether it has ever happened before that five denominations held meetings of their major assemblies at the same time and place. This occurred in mid-June when the assemblies of the member denominations of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) all met in Grand Rapids, Mich., on the campus […]
Today there is widespread interest in evangelism. That concern often seems to be directed more toward getting practical results than toward bringing the gospel message by the methods the gospel itself demands. When in this situation some are attacking the Reformed doctrines of the Sovereignty of God as hindrances to evangelism and many more are […]
And he said unto them, Why are ye of little faith? Matt. 8:26a Storms, upheavals, catastrophes, adverse conditions, sicknesses and troubles are common in life. The result is another list of words and experiences: unrest, fear, turmoil, perplexity, suspense and anxiety, and many more. Above them all the Christian can hear, if he listens very […]
Editor’s Note: Francis Schaeffer has come to hold a very influential position among evangelical Christians throughout the world especially as a result of his evangelistic work from his base in the village of L’Abri in Switzerland. His books and more recently his films have gotten wide attention. In February, 1978, THE OUTLOOK reprinted his famous […]
Dear Sir: Please permit me to comment on the last part of the letter from Rev. J. Tuininga in the July issue of OUTLOOK. In that part Rev. Tuininga laments the fact that OUTLOOK and the Reformed Fellowship do not seem to have too much praise and commendation for such organizations as CLAC or CJL. […]
THE NECESSITY OF FAITH, by Harvey M. Kuitert. Eerdmans, 1976, 159 pp., $2.95. Reviewed by Professor William Young, Department of Philosophy, University of Rhode Island. This little book is an index of the rapid and radical inroads of apostasy on the part of theological, ecclesiastical and publishing institutions which only a few decades ago were […]