Marriage in the Scriptural Context

There are books (often small in size) which over the years become very precious for a preacher. One of these for me is B. Holwerda’s The Significance of Covenant and Church for Marriage, Family and Youth (De Betekenis van Verbond en Kerk voor Huwelijk, Gezin en Jeugd, 1958)—a collection of speeches and articles spoken and […]

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Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation, popularly known simply as TM, has been called the drugless tum-on of the seventies. That’s an apt description, for several reasons. By the TM technique a large number of people have found a measure of inner serenity and fulfillment without the use of mind-blowing and life-destroying chemicals. In this technique, furthermore, members of […]

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In current discussions and controversies about the Bible both in our immediate church circles and in the wider Christian world this question is coming to the surface as a most important one: Does the way we use the Bible determine what authority it has? While some would answer, “Of course, it doesn’t” there seems to be […]

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An Interview with Professor C. Van Til

This article is a report on an interview which Dr. J. Van Bruggen, professor of New Testament at the Theological Seminary in Kampen, the Netherlands, had with Dr. C, Van Til, well-known retired professor of Westminster Theological Seminary, for Nederlands Dagblad. It was translated into English by W. F. Horsman and appeared in Clarion, the […]

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Our Question Box

Rev. Harlan C. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. “ON FUND RAISING” An Iowa reader writes: “I have been wondering about raising money for different causes by using methods like bike-a-thons, walk-a-thons, and now a new one, wake-a-thons. Can a Christian take part with that kind […]

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Through His Death We Have Life, Forever . . .

A spirit of pessimism has seized the souls of many right-thinking believers. Nearly all main-line denominations and many smaller ones now register significant losses of membership. Church attendance, with few notable exceptions, declines at an alarming rate. Millions in our lands sustain little more than a nominal relationship to the church and seem to know next […]

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A Choice

During the course of a lifetime, one is required to make many choices. The choices onc has to make may be simple or at times they can be very difficult. During the winter of ’76, I was required to make a choice. The principals involved in this instance were both living organisms: one a creature […]

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Letter to the Editor

A UNITED REFORMED CHURCH? Allow me a few comments with respect to what the Rev. Vander Ploeg has been writing about that “United Reformed Church.” In the April issue of your magazine, he expresses his concern about the lack of response to his initial proposal. He attributes this to one of three reasons; they couldn’t care less; […]

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A HANDBOOK OF CRC ISSUES 1968–1978; 600 pages; published by Association of Christian Reformed Laymen, P. O. Box 1303, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49501; $7.95. Reviewed by Rev. John Vander Ploeg. By all means don’t buy or read this book or even get anywhere near it, unless you are willing to be disturbed and possibly also stung […]

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