“Our Song of Hope” – A Vague Substitute

In view of the increasingly closer relationships between our Christian Reformed Churches and the Reformed Church in America as well as our concern about the Reformed faith in general, our readers should be acquainted with the RCA’s proposed new confession and the issues involved in its adoption. Rev, Jerome Julien, long-time secretary of the Reformed […]

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The Inerrancy Debate

The Refonned Presbyterian Church of North America (Covenanters) which was organized in 1774 traces its roots to the Scotch reformation and stresses the Lordship of Christ in the life of the individual, the church and the nation. In worship it sings only the Psalms, without instrumental accompaniment. Its seminary is in Pittsburgh and its Geneva […]

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Our Question Box

A California reader inquires about the propriety of our space ventures. “Do we have any business in going to the moon?” The reader points to Psalm 115:16 as probable evidence that we sin in trying to go to other planets: “The heavens are the heavens of Jehovah; but the earth he has given to the children of […]

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John Calvin: The Theologian

In reprinting this splendid article of B. B. Warfield we recall the observation which Dr. Hendriksen made in the June-July, 1951, TORCH AND TRUMPET about his writings: “. . . Our Reformed people should read what is best in Reformed literature. In that connection we mentioned Hernmn Bavinck, Abraham Kuyper, and B. B. Warfield. Warfield […]

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“Christian” Entertainment

Friday evening I attended Christian High‘s presentation of “Annie Get Your Gun.” It was played to a full house at Calvin College‘s FAC Auditorium, and I understand that good crowds attended the other three performances. Obviously this kind of performance “takes” with our people and the box office selling $3 tickets took in thousands of […]

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The Presbyterian Church in America

Two of the most encouraging developments to Bible-believing Christians in recent years have been (1) the return of. the Missouri Lutherans to Biblical and confessional orthodoxy and (2) the rise and rapid growth of the new Presbyterian Church in America which is seeking, by breaking away from apostate denominations and establishing a new church organization, […]

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Dancing at Calvin and Christian Liberty

In presenting its case to Synod 1977 for the introduction of school-sponsored social dancing on the campus of Calvin College the Board of Trustees made use of the concept of Christian liberty (1977 Acts of Synod, pp. 223ff.). At the time this appeal puzzled me, and I am still puzzled. In sorting out my thoughts […]

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God – The God of the Living

But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matt. 22:31, 32) To know the […]

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The Banner: We Beg to Differ

For the following reasons I feel compelled to protest against the anonymous article, “I Had a Struggle,” in The Banner of February 24, 1978. 1. First – the article is an open, although anonymous, attack on what the Bible teaches. Note carefully the following excerpts from what the anonymous writer says; a. As to creation […]

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Passing the Banner

Laurie Vanden Heuvel (Mrs. Thomas Vanden Heuvel) has consented to replace Miss Johanna Timmer as editor of “Reformed Women Speak.” We welcome her as new editor of this department. With a mixture of sadness and joy we learned of the passing of Miss Johanna Timmer. We were sad because the church had lost a spiritual […]

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