Laurie Vanden Heuvel (Mrs. Thomas Vanden Heuvel) has consented to replace Miss Johanna Timmer as editor of “Reformed Women Speak.” We welcome her as new editor of this department.
With a mixture of sadness and joy we learned of the passing of Miss Johanna Timmer. We were sad because the church had lost a spiritual giant and warrior. With clarity and conviction Miss Timmer had zealously taught the doctrines of Scripture, calling the church back to the Word of God when she appeared to drift. But the Lord has called Miss Timmer from the church militant to the church triumphant. What can we do but rejoice?
The word of the church goes on. That banner of truth must be passed from one generation to the next.
Have you ever watched a relay race in which two members of opposing teams run with a banner to a specific destination and back again, passing the banner to the next in line until one line finishes first? In a way, the spiritual race is like that. Christ’s team and Satan’s are fighting a battle. One team carries the banner of truth and the other the flag of falsehood. All praise to our God—Christ’s team will win! But it takes effort, responsibility, determination and a strong commitment to Christ’s cause on the part of each team member to actively pass Christ’s banner of truth. That banner does not mysteriously float from one team member to the next.
There are no bench-warmers in Christ’s race. Every Christian is a runner and must have the triumph of Christ‘s Kingdom in view as his goal. Empowered by Christ‘s Spirit, every runner must conquer in Christ’s name, enforcing Christian principles in the fields of education, marriage and the family, economic and political life, to name only a few areas of human activity.
Miss Timmer was used of the Lord as editor of this column to carry the banner of truth. It was her task to instruct and inspire men and women of God in doctrine and in the practice of that doctrine in daily Christian living. It was also her task to enlist other women as fellow-contributors.
Since Miss Timmer has been translated to her heavenly home, the Board of Reformed Fellowship has passed this banner to me. I accept it humbly and gladly. With God’s help we will fly it faithfully.