For a long time members and friends of Reformed Fellowship have felt that the time has come to state succinctly and yet fully the positions which we believe to be biblica and confessional over against the many deviations which confront us. Certain of our brothers in Northwest Iowa were found ready to try their hand […]

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What is “Progress”? (I)

“Progress” can be defined as the process of advancing toward a specific goal. There have been sharp differences of opinion on what constitutes progress in various areas of human endeavor. In the area of environment control, some view progress as the development of new shopping plazas and housing developments. Conservationists see these projects not as […]

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Christian Charity Must Be Responsible

If someone comes to our door soliciting contributions to help the poor but with no very clear information · as to how this is to be done, I may be moved by his concern for the poor but will not likely be moved to contribute. Christian stewardship demands that I have some reasonable assurance that […]

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The “Luke-Warm” Reformation Church

Do we know what it means to be children of the Reformation? Really? Are we true children of the forefathers of this great reformatory movement? Do our children know what the Reformation was all about? Are they taught these important parts of history? The Reformation gave three especially important blessings. In the first place it […]

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Our attention was called to this excellent speech on the subject of Christian education given by Rev. David Engelsma of South Holland, Illinois, at the October, 1977, Protestant Reformed Teachers Institute and later printed in their March, 1978, Perspective magazine. We reprint it with their permission. This semi-annual publication, of which Miss Agatha Lubbers is […]

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Our Question Box

Harlan C. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. “SICKNESS” From a Bible Study Group in Iowa comes a question about sickness. “Does God allow or cause sickness to come to us or does He allow the devil to do this to us? Does God cause us […]

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A Look at Books

A HISTORY OF PREACHING. Vol. III. From the close of the Nineteenth Century to the Middle of the Twentieth Century (continuing the work of the Volumes I and II by Edwin C, Dargan) and American Preaching (not covered by Dargan). During the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, by Ralph G. Turnbull. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, […]

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