Jay Adams on Transactional Analysis

I have been asked by the editor of THE OUTLOOK to write something about Transactional Analysis (T.A. for short). I assume that this request was occasioned by concern over the inroads that this pagan system is making among Christian Churches. On that point let me say a word before I go on. lt is tragic […]

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“Shall We Dance?”

In this day of changing values and consequent spiritual decline and moral decay, the Christian often finds himself frustrated and discouraged by the world around him. But even more disheartening is the discovery of deterioration within one’s own gates. An examination of the Acts of Synod, CRC, 1977, gives ca use for concern in several […]

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Gospel Riches and Church Poverty

Introduction: Although the subject of tonight’s talk was left to my choice, it was suggested that the subjects of “Biblical Infallibility” or the “State of the Church” might be of special interest. With a view to these suggestions it seemed desirable to choose a more comprehensive subject which could in some measure take in both […]

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Actualistic vs. Propositional Revelation

In every age of the Church certain key issues have to be faced. One of the vital issues of our time is revelation, Archbishop William Temple quite accurately described the situation when he wrote: “The dominant problem of contemporary religious thought is the problem of revelation, Is there such a thing at all? If there […]

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This article from the Presbyterian of September 5, 1900 comes from B. B. Warfield’s Scrapbook through the courtesy of Dr. Roger Nicole of Gordon Conwell Seminary. The rather unfamiliar word “preterition” means according to Webster, “The Calvinistic doctrine that God passes over those not elect, leaving them to eternal death”; among us the more common […]

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A Blessed Hunger

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Matt. 5:6 This text begs for an answer to the following questions: What is hunger? What is righteousness? What does it mean to hunger and thirst after righteousness? How do I experience the satisfaction of being “filled”? What constitutes the blessedness […]

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Dating: With or Without Dancing

Once taboo, social dancing has gained acceptance within a segment of the evangelical community. Does this mean that we are moving away from the unduly restrictive standards once imposed upon young people? Or is it an overreaction against the unreasonable strictures of brittle legalism, reflecting the larger trend toward the complacent identification of Christians with […]

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From Diapers to Diploma

The Planned Parenthood Association has publicized alarming figures clearly designed to discourage childbearing. According to their highly suspect statistics it’s supposed to cost from $70,000 to $107,000 to raise a child from diapers to college diploma. The larger figure includes lost earning power of the mother sacrificing her career in order to be “just a […]

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Letter to the Editor

ABOUT A “UNITED REFORMED CHURCH” My editorial in July on “Desideratum – A United Reformed Church” called forth a measure of response to which, due to circumstance, attention has not been given until now. At the outset the editorial stated: “An exciting prospect” – Suppose that in God’s gracious providence the day would dawn when […]

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