I have been asked by the editor of THE OUTLOOK to write something about Transactional Analysis (T.A. for short). I assume that this request was occasioned by concern over the inroads that this pagan system is making among Christian Churches. On that point let me say a word before I go on. lt is tragic […]
Do you have trouble controlling your anger? Paul writes, “Be ye angry, and sin not . . .” (Eph. 4:26). Is that possible? Be sure to read Dr. Adams’ answers in this very practical article. Dr. Jay E. Adams is a professional counselor and a regular contributor to THE OUTLOOK. “No, I can’t control my temper!” […]
Writing in The Grand Rapids Press (March 17, 1975) the well-known columnist James Reston reports the following: “The National Center for Health Statistics of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has just reported that there were 970,000 divorces in the United States in 1974, compared with 913,000 in 1973, and 479,000 in 1965.” Can […]
Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, provides a regular column or page for THE OUTLOOK in From the Counselor’s Desk. In addition to his teaching at Westminster and authoring several books, Dr. Adams serves as a Counselor at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. Joe’s friends […]
Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, provides a regular column or page for THE OUTLOOK on “From a Counselor‘s Desk.” In addition to his teaching at Westminster and authoring several books, Dr. Adams serves as a Counselor at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. How do […]
Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, provides a regular column or page for THE OUTLOOK on From a Counselor‘s Desk. In addition to his teaching at Westminster and authoring several books, Dr. Adams serves as a Counselor at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. If you […]
We are indeed pleased and grateful that Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary has consented to write a regular column or page for THE OUTLOOK on From a Counselor’s Desk. In addition to his teaching at Westminster, Dr. Adams serves as a Counselor at the Christian Counseling and Edllcational […]