Dr. Frank Calsbeek (Ed.D.) is the writer of this article, “Seek First the Kingdom-in Recreation,” the third article in THE OUTLOOK’S series on Seek First the Kingdom. Dr. Calsbeek is Associate Professor and Coordinator of Health Education at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. Prior to assuming his position this fall in Texas, Dr. […]
These articles are written especially for church societies and classes, study groups, and all others interested in knowing more about Reformed doctrine. The writer, Rev. John H. Piersma, is pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. LESSON 5 – GOD’S REVELATION (C) Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14–17; Psalm 19 In this […]
October is a good time to say this. Why? Because this is the month to celebrate the glorious Protestant Reformation. At least this is what we should be doing as those who still call ourselves Reformed—even Christian Reformed. Or has the glory of that illustrious sixteenth century in church history now grown dim and dull […]
By election of Congress the President of the United States is to proclaim a National Day of Prayer on a day other than a Sunday. Usually this is observed on a Wednesday in the month of October. Rev. Harlan Vanden Einde, writer of this article, is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of […]
Dear Sir: The following is for the record. I present this to you for publication because I noticed that the letter Dr. Noel Weeks wrote to the editor of Trowel and Sword was also sent to THE OUTLOOK (Aug. 74). He made a few informal changes e.g, in addressing it to THE OUTLOOK. The content, however, is […]
YEARBOOK OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHURCHES 1974; Constant H. Jacquet Jr. Editor: Abingdon Press 201 Eighth. Ave., So., Nashville, Tenn. 37202: 276 pages; $9.95. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. To own and have ready access to the annual yearbook of one‘s own denomination is a must. We keep our priorities straight if we begin there. However, in an […]
Rev. D. De Jong, writer of this contribution, is pastor of the Canadian Reformed (Liberated) Church in Edmonton, Alberta.. Professor K. Schilder was an outstanding leader of those who became known in the Netherlands as the Vrijgemaakte Kerken (Liberated Churches). Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Michigan, has kindly […]
I am glad to avail myself of the editor‘s recent invitation to respond to the contribution of one of our Canadian Reformed brothers. And I am glad to see him take an interest and part in the discussion of our inter-church relations. Rev. D. Dejong first reviews the history of relations between the CRC and […]
“Some see it as a new Reformation. straining to meet its Luther at a yet undiscovered cathedral door. Some hail it as an evolutionary crisis, with the cells of the old humanity fairly bursting to reassemble into some more spiritual new being. To others it may be a more prosaic phenomenon, the inevitable swing of the […]
“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:21–23). God’s great faithfulness is shown all around us. Each season has its beauty but it seems that autumn is wrapped […]