Kay Rietema, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rietema, Jr. of Kanawha, Iowa, is a sophomore at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Her major is elementary education with special education as her area. Dr. Gerard Van Groningen, Dordt professor, has submitted Kay’s “I believe . . .” and also another to follow with […]
A new subscriber writes from Ontario, Canada: “We have a little problem. It is openly said around here that the Lord did not create heaven and earth in six days as we know them. Is this in line with our Reformed faith? Can you please tell us what is commonly accepted by the Reformed Fellowship, […]
THE WAGES OF SIN IS . . . DEATH (13) Scripture: Genesis 6:1–8 Occasionally believers ask the question why so few sermons are preached on Old Testament historical material. Much use seems to be made of this material in teaching children the contents of Scripture; little—so it is affirmed—finds its way into our pulpits. In […]
The small sign on the rather austere desk held my eyes each time our interview lagged. For some reason it seemed as though the meaning should have been obvious—yet an explanation was needed. Seated behind the desk was Mr. Enaab, public information officer for UNWRA, the United Nations Works and Relief Agency. We had come […]
ENCOURAGEMENT It is with praise, and thanks to our Triune God, that we feel impelled to acknowledge an act of God’s grace in that you were moved to write on such a very timely and pertinent subject so edifying to the church we love. What clear evidence that “God is not dead,” but very much […]
WHY NOT CREATION? Edited hy W. E. Lammers. The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. Price $1.50. Reviewed by Sidney J. Jansma, Sr. This book consists of Selected Articles from the Creation Research Society Quarterly (1964 to 1968) and represents the thinking of a significant group of scientists who reject the theory of evolution because it […]
In connection with the parable of “The Sower” Christ uttered another parable in which He said: “The Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the blade sprang up and […]
Rev. Roger S. Greenway herewith presents the second in a series of articles on “When Cities and Churches First Met in America.” Rev. Greenway, missionary to Mexico, is presently on leave of absence for study at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Immigration, Slums, and Labor Unrest Produce Political, Moral, and Religious […]
Following is a continuation of Dr. Aaldert Mennega’s evaluation of the book, WHERE ARE WE HEADED?, by Dr. Jan Lever, Professor of Zoology at the Free University at Amsterdam (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 59 pp. $1.65, 1970). Dr. Mennega is Chairman of and Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at […]
A conference of more than ordinary interest, especially in this time of much discussion about the Bible, took place at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois on January 21 and 22, 1972. Dr. Paul Schrotenboer, Secretary of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod, and Professor Norman Shepherd (Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. Pa.) in their writings in […]