Let’s Make It Scriptural, Sharp and Simple!

The full authority of Scripture admits of no compromise; it is an item that is non-negotiable. “Thus saith the Lord” is sovereign, settled, and binding throughout the Book—from Genesis through Revelation. This we believe and profess, knowing full well that it is capable of its own defense. “For anyone who by faith accepts the Scriptures […]

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Evangelism – Sideline or Lifeline?

These are exciting days for any witness or evangelist! Ours is a world in flux. A world constantly growing smaller by fast travel, communications media, and scientific achievements. The fearful debauchery of our times has made this moment in history a time of balancing and weighing, of judging and measuring. But along with the problems […]

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Millennialism and Missions

We read in Revelation 20 that an angel bound the dragon, who is Satan, and threw him into the abyss, where he is to stay for one thousand years (vss. 2, 3). This one thousand years has been called the millennium, which is a Latin word for “one thousand.” Some Christians describe the millennium as […]

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Mr. Editor: Please allow me the opportunity to comment on Mr. Martin La Maire’s response (THE OUTLOOK – letters, October 1971) to my letter (THE OUTLOOK – July 1971). First, presumably, Mr. La Maire objects to my objecting to our Synod interfering with non-ecclesiastical matters. This, of course, is his privilege. However, if this […]

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He Was Manifested

A Christmas Meditation “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory” (I Tim. 3:16). Here is the master-truth of Christmas. God was manifested in the flesh! This […]

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The Race Issue and the CRC

The history of the race problem in the Christian Reformed Church goes back to an overture at the Synod of 1968 resulting in the adoption of the Race Declarations. The Synod of 1970 faced the knotty problem of judging an entire Classis because, it was alleged, it turned a deaf car to such Race Declarations. […]

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Who is Schismatic?

Schism is something that the Bible does not mention under that term very often. But the Bible is clearly opposed to it. One hopes, therefore, that all Christians are against it too. But liberal Protestants sometimes find a way to be against schism and yet for it at the same time. By saying they are […]

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The question in the title is prompted by a statement of the Editor in The Banner of October 8 that “Loyalty to the Reformed tradition does not justify withdrawal from a denomination; it forbids it.” This statement appears in an editorial sharply condemning the action of four conservative organizations in the Southern Presbyterian Church, who, […]

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Evangelism Thrust ‘73

Evangelism Thrust ‘73 is part of the Key ‘73 program. Key ‘73 grew from the “Key Bridge Consultation” of 1961, at which some forty leaders met to discuss the possibilities of an evangelism thrust for North America. As a result, there are nearly one hundred denominations, organizations, and institutions planning “to share Christ with every […]

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Man in God’s Great World (7) Scripture: Genesis 2:4–17 A battleground – Throughout this century we have witnessed various kinds of warfare. All of us know something of the fearfulness of guerilla tactics by little groups holding large armies at hay. We also remember with horror the “blitzkrieg” by which Hitler pulverized cities to terrorize […]

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