If we have a truly Christian philosophy which is rooted in Scripture, then we have a distinctive view, which is different from that of the world, on every subject. Obviously this pertains to the matter of death. Our view of death, its significance and what it introduces is radically different from that of unbelief. When […]
According to the established system of historical geology, the history of the earth is divided into a number of geological ages. The earth is supposed to have evolved into its present basic structure about five billion years ago. Certain increasingly complex chemicals in the primeval ocean, acted upon by electrical forces in the atmosphere, acquired […]
In the previous article we used the term “Reformed” in its broad sense of “Reformed according to the Word of God.” In this sense it includes all the churches of the Reformation: Lutheran, Calvinistic and also Anglican Churches. Usually, however, the term is used in a more restricted sense and serves to indicate one particular […]
Editors, TORCH AND TRUMPET, Grand Rapids, Mich. A salute to Mrs. Vanden Heuvel for her well-written article re the “underground church” in the May issue of your magazine. She deserves tribute for her courage and forthrightness. I must confess, I can’t understand how the faculty of Calvin Seminary and the Board of Trustees can even […]
Rousas J. Rushdoony: THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE SOCIAL ORDER, 232 p. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co. Today we are told that the historic Christian faith as formulated by the councils in the official creeds is irrelevant to the needs of modern man. Because of the change in man’s circumstances and understanding a new approach is […]
WE NEED EACH OTHER Two dangers that have afflicted God’s people in the past and that are still with us today are what may be called “intellectualism” and “anti-intellectualism.” (Note the “ism’s”) Both have done and do untold harm to the body of Christ. A form of (rationalistic) intellectualism was very much present in the […]
Dear Jim: Please excuse me for not writing last month. For the last weeks life at the college was unbelievably hectic. But now the finals are completed, graduation is over, and summer vacation (?) has begun I can get to other important things, such as writing to friends. This evening I was reading the R.E.S. […]
A Three-part Definition of the Three Kinds of People Found in Today’s Church: the “Conservatives,” the “Middle-of-the-Roader,” and the “Liberal.” I. The Liberal As “concerned” groups of one kind and another have begun to multiply within the Church, a rather severe problem of definition has been created. What do you mean by “conservative,” “middle-of-the-roader” and […]
It is highly regrettable that the theological contact between the Reformed Churches of South-Africa and the other member-churches of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod is only fragmentary and scarce. The first word which rises before the mind of many in connection with South-Africa is the word “apartheid,” and often it is also the last word, a […]
EDITORIAL NOTE CONCERNING “REPLY TO MY FRIEND” In recent years the editors of TORCH AND TRUMPET have made clear their desire to awaken and promote a truly reformational concern in the hearts and lives of our readers. We have done so in the conviction that we must defend the Reformed faith and, at the same […]