Have We Written Each Other Off?

Throughout the world mankind experiences tension and trouble in these times. Daily this seems aggravated by the undeniably rapid and revolutionary changes operative in a society characterized by suspicion, misunderstanding and avowed hostility. In this situation the church of our Lord Jesus Christ does not walk unscathed. It is constituted of sinners who profess to […]

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Excerpts from Letters of a Christian Serviceman

It’s late Sunday evening and I just came back a little while ago from church…. This letter is prompted partly by . the church and experiences I’ve had with the people. Incidentally, I’m writing this rapidly, not trying to make it a masterpiece of literary art, nor do I expect such a reply. Well, the […]

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Unwilling to work for reformation of the present deformed social order, many people, especially students, are resorting to civil disobedience and violence. The present wave of demonstrations and street riots sweeping the Western world is justified by those taking part in them on the grounds that an individual or a group is entitled to disobey […]

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Some Things Happen Only Once

Some of the happiest experiences in a pastor’s life occur when he shares with his people God’s people!—their joy in Christ at weddings, baptisms, or professions of faith. The saddest and most difficult experiences occur when he must stand at the side of the grave and bring comfort to his people God’s people!—at a time […]

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The Abortion Debate II

In the previous article we looked at some of the arguments used by those who advocate liberalization of our present legislation on abortion. We also saw that these arguments are not as convincing as they look at a first glance. As Christians, however, we are primarily interested in the Christian point of view, and in […]

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THE FORM IS SECONDARY The traditional Sunday worship service as we have known it and still know it today, is coming under increasing attack. The most vocal of these attacks come from inside the church itself, particularly from the side of certain leaders and (some) young people. There is a call for more “involvement” in […]

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A Look at Books

H. C. Leupold: EXPOSITION OF ISAIAH, Vol. I, 598 pp. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1968. All the commentaries of Leupold, well-known professor and authority on the Old Testament are familiar to pastors, teachers and Bible study groups in this country. Now in addition to materials on Genesis, the Psalms and a few of the […]

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Letters to the Editor

DEAR EDITOR: I wish to express my comments on the article by Edwin H. Palmer entitled The Underground Church. To say that Mr. Palmer hit the proverbial nail on the head would be a gross understatement in my opinion. His consistent theme of emphasizing the Word of God is extremely refreshing in view of the […]

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LESSON IX: “THE HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE WITH RESPECT TO THE COMING OF CHRIST” A. Daniel’s Prayer (9:1–21): 1. Daniel’s faithfulness in prayer is something we have noted before (Chap. 6). This ninth chapter gives us a wonderful insight into the importance and nature of believing prayer, a lesson we can afford to learn and re-learn! Daniel’s […]

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