We take a preliminary look at ethics Strange as it may seem, the original Greek word “ethos,” from which our word ethics is derived, is related to the barnyard. The word “ethos” can be traced back to the meaning of “stable” or the “stall” of barnyard animals, so that “ethics in the human area” does for us “what the stall […]
Change is the order of our day. In his introduction to some modem theologians William C. Fletcher aptly describes our situation. “Society seems to be running wild. Changes are taking place so rapidly that from one year to the next there seems to be almost no continuity. All is change, all is headlong, pell-mell rush, […]
THE RIGHT ROAD TO CHURCH UNITY Throughout the centuries believers have expressed their faith in the existence of one, holy, catholic church. The author of the epistle to the Hebrews writes: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” The oneness of the church belongs to the things not seen. […]
Karl Barth diabolized contemporary theology with his meretricious distinction between “Historic” and “Geschichte”; many theologians today have renounced their faith in the infallibility of the Bible through accepting Barth’s seductive allegorizing of Biblical events, such as Christ’s Incarnation and Resurrection. Bultmann’s demythologizing of the Scriptures has been equally pernicious. In “Rudolf Bultmann: A Call to Arms?” (The Reformed […]
A great deal is being said today about the necessity of relevance. It is alleged that Christianity as it was understood by Christians in the first century is not relevant to modern man, that modern man, conditioned as he is by the scientific world-view, cannot accept the framework in which the New Testament is cast and […]
EVOLUTION AND THE BIBLE The Rev. J.K. Van Baalen in his recent article published in The Reformed Journal (October 1966) and entitled, “Evolution and the Bible.” has added some material to that presented in earlier issues by Professor Lewis B. Smedes. He also argues that God had to make use of evolution in producing the human race. […]
LESSON TWELVE Art. 16. WARNING AGAINST UNDUE ALARM ABOUT THE DECREE OF REPROBATION The doctrine of reprobation is not meant to alarm weak Christians whose faith falters, whose feeling of confidence is shaky, who realize that they do not glory “in God through Jesus Christ” as they should. It should not alarm them, provided they make use […]
THE WORK OF CHRIST, by C. C. Berkouwer. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 358 pages. Price: $7.50. This work represents the latest volume of the series which Professor Berkouwer is preparing under the general title: Studies In Dogmatics. These volumes are precisely what the title declares. They arc not strictly speaking works on […]