Reform is Not Stifled by Creedal Commitment

A one-sided discussion has been going on in a neighboring journal for some months, and I have been itching to get in on it. I refer to the articles by Fred Baker and Lewis Smedes in recent issues of The Reformed Journal (October, ‘65, and January, ‘66), dealing with the propriety and morality of the Form […]

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The Editor’s Page

In the last issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET attention was called to the present crisis in the sizeable and influential United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. A new confessional basis is being proposed which will officially approve of conflicting and contradictory teachings concerning God, salvation and the church. If adopted, this will spell the end […]

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BLUE BANNER FAITH AND LIFE, January–March 3408 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA $1.50 per year “The Christian and the Jigsaw” by Paul E. G. Cook, is a reprint from a British publication that deals with the need for the over-all view of Biblical revelation in order to make sense out of the jigsaw puzzle of modern life. “Christianity […]

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WELLESLEY Like so many eastern colleges, elite Wellesley (Mass.) was founded under partially orthodox Christian auspices. Its motto is “Non ministrari sed ministrare” or “Not to be ministered unto, but to minister” (Matt. 20:28). At the opening chapel service in 1875, the minister preached a fire and brimstone sermon that depressed and frightened the freshmen. His text […]

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The Gospel Call and the Wrath of God

On two previous occasions it has been our privilege to write on “The Love of God” as it is related to the well meant gospel offer. We would now call attention to the other side of the coin. One of the main reasons that spurred us on to write on “The Gospel Call and the […]

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The Reformed Faith and the Danger of Subjectivism

The Anabaptist Problem The recent appearance of Rev. L. Verduin’s book, The Reformers and their Stepchildren calls our attention to the problem of evaluating the 16th Century Anabaptist movement and its significance for the Reformed faith. Unfortunately, that book as I observed in a review of it in the October TORCH AND TRUMPET, despite the impressive amount […]

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A Look at Books

DE BRIEF AAN DE PHILIPPENZEN EN DE BHIEF AAN PHILEMON (Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament) by H. M. MATTER. J. H. Kok, N.V., Kampen, the Netherlands, 1965, 128 pp. Fl. 11.25. In the series of the Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament, Dr. H. M. Matter presents a commentary on Philippians and Philemon. This volume replaces the almost 30year-old […]

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