Pointed Paragraphs

STEWARDSHIP OF MEMBERSHIP The parable of the talents embodies high principles, such as: God’s divine ownership of all, his gracious entrustment of talents, and our solemn accountability. The talents represent all that with which we may serve God in life: a wide diversity amidst complexity. There is a simple guiding rule: “It is required in […]

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“Preserve and IncreaseThy Church”

The words of the above heading are taken from the explanation in our Heidelberg Catechism of the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come.” They teach us that we should not only pray but also work -for the preservation as well as the increase of the church through missionary endeavor. God must do both; he […]

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The Bible and Theistic Evolution

In introducing the papers in the three-volume work on evolution stemming from the 1959 Darwinian Centennial Convention in Chicago, Sir Julian Huxley eulogizes Darwin as follows: Charles Darwin has rightly been described as the “Newton of biology”: he did more than any single individual before or since to change man’s attitude to the phenomena of […]

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Interpreting “The Infallibility Report”

One of the most crucial of all theological discussions of modern times concerns the nature, authority, and trustworthiness of Scripture. Historically this discussion arose as a result of modern critical studies of the Bible, most of which have been undertaken out of a spirit of skepticism toward all traditions, under the impulse of philosophies of history which […]

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Places, Dates and Persons It is said that there are 888,803,000 Christians in the world, of which 537,533,000 are Roman Catholics, 214–133,000 are Protestants, and 137,137,000 are Eastern Orthodox. In the United States 62,543,000 are listed as Protestants, 42,105,000 as Roman Catholics, and 2,820,000 as Eastern Orthodox. It is estimated that there are more than 270 […]

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