- A Testimony to Our Time
De Jong, Peter
- Darkness vs. Light (A response to Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman by James Gelick)
Godfrey, W. Robert
- The Whole Counsel of God: Courageous Calvinism for a New Century
Oord, Wybren
- Letter to the Editor and Wybren Oord Responds
Palmer, Elsie
- The Holocaust and Abortion
Sittema, John R.
- Membership in the Local Church: A Biblical Perspective
Thomas, Cal
- Killing them Softly with His Song
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie
- The Teaching Woman
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie, Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- An Open Letter to the Leaders in the CRC
Vanden Heuvel, Thomas
- Book Review September 1994
Venema, Cornelis
- No Room on the Denominational Plane – Revisited
- Return of Christ: The Centerpiece of Biblical Expectation
Vrootman, Richard
- Children’s Humans Rights
- Children’s Humans Rights
CRC, CRC Synod
- An Open Letter to the Leaders in the CRC
Calvinism, ecumenism, reformed faith
- The Whole Counsel of God: Courageous Calvinism for a New Century
Christian view of science
- Darkness vs. Light (A response to Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman by James Gelick)
II Timothy 1:5 and 3:12–15, role of women
- The Teaching Woman
Jesus Christ-return, last things
- Return of Christ: The Centerpiece of Biblical Expectation
Marva J. Dawn
- Book Review September 1994
Mid-America Reformed Seminary, unity
- No Room on the Denominational Plane – Revisited
- The Holocaust and Abortion
church membership, church order/polity, elders
- Membership in the Local Church: A Biblical Perspective
creation, homosexuality, inerrancy of Scripture, interpretation of Scripture, ordination of women, Westminster Theological Seminary
- A Testimony to Our Time
- Letter to the Editor and Wybren Oord Responds
- Killing them Softly with His Song