- Rev. Boonstra, Back to God Hour Voice, Dies
Admiraal, James
- Agenda for Synod 1995
Brouwer, Daniel
- Dan Brouwer Responds
De Moor, Henry
- Letter to the Editors
DeVries, Tom
- Prison Ministry Holds a Solid Reformed Position
Godfrey, W. Robert
- Sola Scriptura (1)
Groenendyk, Jan
- “As for Me and My Household, We Will...”
Haberer, Jack
- Why Prohibit Same-Sex Unions?
Sittema, John R.
- Smoking: A Pastoral Blind Spot
Vanden Heuvel, Laurie
- Women at Work: The Liberated Woman
Venema, Cornelis
- Homosexuality and the “Slippery Slope” Argument Revisited
den Dulk, C.J.
- The Truth Will Set You Free!
Back to God Hour
- Rev. Boonstra, Back to God Hour Voice, Dies
Biblical holiness, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism
- Sola Scriptura (1)
CRC Synod, Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, women in ecclesiastical office
- Agenda for Synod 1995
CRC, homosexuality
- Homosexuality and the “Slippery Slope” Argument Revisited
Christian living, Joshua 24:15
- “As for Me and My Household, We Will...”
Christian woman, Proverbs 31:10–31
- Women at Work: The Liberated Woman
John 8:32, prison ministry
- The Truth Will Set You Free!
church order, CRC, synod
- Dan Brouwer Responds
- Letter to the Editors
elders and deacons, smoking
- Smoking: A Pastoral Blind Spot
evangelism, prison Christian education, prison ministry
- Prison Ministry Holds a Solid Reformed Position
homosexual marriage, homosexuality
- Why Prohibit Same-Sex Unions?