23, Heidelberg Catechism, Luke 5:20, name, salvation
- The Name That Saves
Belgic Confession, creation, image of God
- We Confess – An Exposition & Application of the Belgic Confession Article 14: Of the Creation, Fall, and Corruption of Man
Christian Education
- Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Groundbreaking
Reformed Fellowship
- Sound bites – 1985
United Reformed Churches of North America
- Classis Southwest U.S. Report March 23–24, 2004
church, heresy
- Heresy – Part 3
discipline, fathers
- Being a Father
fathers, Psalm 78:4b
- Prophetic Fathers
imputation, justification, Paul the Apostle
- Evaluating the New Perspective on Paul (12) “Justification and the ‘Imputation’ of Christ’s Righteousness” (Part Two)
women’s ordination
- Pastor Paula