The Divine Trinity

Rev. Johannes G. Vos was pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Church in Clay Center, Kansas, when he began writing for Torch and Trumpet. He later became editor of Blue Banner Faith and Life magazine and professor at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA. He was the son of Professor Geerhardus Vos from Princeton Seminary, […]

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Thoughts on Pentecost

The last of the days for commemoration listed in the Reformed Church Order is Pentecost. It is a day with which Reformed people sometimes seem to be ill at ease. Pentecost prompts articles on “The Holy Spirit: The Forgotten Person of the Trinity?” (a question sometimes answered positively and sometimes negatively) or “John Calvin: Theologian […]

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Islam’s Doctrine of God

Ever since the September 11, 2001, attacks by Muslim terrorists against the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, the question has been raised, “What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?” Many can’t see a real difference between these two major world religions. Students of comparative religion in secular universities […]

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The Reformed Faith is catholic in the truest sense of the word. This was one of the purposes of the Belgic Confession, namely, to express that the Reformed Faith was nothing less than the Faith of the ancient Christian Church. This catholicity is expressed in no better way than in the doctrine of the Trinity. […]

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As we said in our last article, the Reformed Faith is the catholic Faith. And one of the purposes of the Belgic Confession was to express our catholicity, which is especially highlighted in Articles 8-9 on the Holy Trinity. In thinking about these articles on the Trinity, we enter the deepest of Christian mystery. We […]

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The Blessed Trinity

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.” II Corinthians 13:14  Did you know that every major branch of the Christian Church, whether it is Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Protestant, or Reformed, all teach the doctrine of the […]

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The Trinity in the Gospel of John (Part 1)

John begins his Gospel with a glimpse into the life of the Godhead. It is an indication of what he intends to do in his book—to unveil significant truth concerning the mystery of the Trinity. The apostle in his prologue invites us to leave the humdrum thoughts and concerns of everyday life to fix our […]

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Rob Bell, in keeping with the doctrinal declarations of Mars Hill church states, “I affirm the historic Christian faith, which includes the virgin birth and the Trinity and the inspiration of the Bible and much more”.1 Rob Bell’s View of the Trinity Rob Bell teaches about the doctrine –the flexible spring—called the Trinity with the […]

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Bavinck the Dogmatician: The Doctrine of the Trinity

The last topic Bavinck treats in the doctrine of God before he begins to consider God’s works in creation and redemption is the doctrine of the Trinity. Following the traditional order of topics in the Western theological tradition, Bavinck treats the subject of the Trinity after his treatment of God’s attributes. Though it has been […]

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Bavinck the Dogmatician: The Doctrine of the Trinity (3)

Thus far my treatment of Bavinck’s view of election and covenant has been largely based upon what he teaches explicitly regarding these subjects in his principal theological writings, the four-volume Reformed Dogmatics and his popular summary of his dogmatics in Our Reasonable Faith. However, further light is shed upon Bavinck’s conception of the relation between […]

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