THE LITURGICAL COMMITTEE REPORT (1968 Agenda, pp. 8–2) One of the lengthier reports in this year’s Agenda is the Liturgical Committee Report. It covers 64 pages in the Agenda for 1968. Historically, the Christian Reformed Church has not accepted a uniform liturgy to be followed by alt our churches. The Committee relates the previous efforts […]
Several firsts are to be noted in regard to the Agenda for 1967 Synod. The first is the voluminous size of this year’s Agenda. It consists of 550 pages, the largest ever produced by the Christian Reformed Church. A second notable distinction is the format of the cover of the Agenda. It consists of the proposed […]
NAE PROTESTS SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIAL FOR ARMED FORCES According to United Evangelical Action. Dr. Robert A. Cook, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), has sent a vigorous protest to the chief of Air Force chaplains who is also the chairman of the Armed Forces Chaplains Board, because the chiefs of chaplains have recommended […]
It is always easier to see the splinter in another’s eye than the beam in our own. It is likewise easier for Christians to see the sins of the world than the sins of the church. Each theological faction grabs readily at the sins of others and fails to see its own. But perhaps nowhere […]