Taking Satan Seriously

There is a growing interest in the subject of satanism and demonology throughout Western society. This can be easily confirmed by checking on the books in the average bookstore. In part the interest in Satan is connected with the New Age movement with its teaching about channeling and other occult practices. This interest is seen […]

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Confronting the Roaring Lion

We observed last month that during most of the 20th century the existence of Satan and demons was not taken seriously. Liberals regarded the subject as mythological; and conservatives, while not removing Satan and demons from among their official beliefs, did not do much with the whole idea. But recently the situation has changed and […]

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Many contemporary Christians give little thought to the existence of an individual known variously as Beelzebub, Satan, or simply the Devil. He is often portrayed as a tiny comic character, a red-horned, pointy-taled mini-demon whispering into the ear of a person who is struggling with a moral dilemma. This is not a new phenomenon. Even as […]

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Spiritual Warfare and Islam

Islam is constantly in the news. Open any newspaper or magazine, turn on the radio or television, and there will be stories about Islam. Many news stories report on the resurgence of Islam, the increasing attendance at mosques, the devout observance of fasting during Ramadan, a proliferation of Islamic publications in print and audiovisual media, […]

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A Balanced Approach to Spiritual Warfare

The title of this article would seem to indicate to the reader that there exists among Christians today an unbalanced approach to the whole matter of spiritual warfare. After researching the matter personally in conjunction with some of my doctoral studies in Biblical counseling, it has become apparent that such is the case. There is […]

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With a Rod of Iron In the year 1973, Rousas John Rushdoony wrote a book entitled The Institutes of Biblical Law. This book was intended as an introduction to the Christian Reconstruction Movement. Gary North, a disciple of Rushdoony, and author of the book Backward Christian Soldiers? defines Christian Reconstruction as follows: It is “A […]

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Bible Studies on Ezra Lesson 7: The Devil’s Distortions

Scripture Reading: Ezra 4:6–24 Background Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:1–21; 2 Kings 25:22–26; Jeremiah 52:1–11 Discussion Starters 1. What motivated the enemies of Judah and Jerusalem to “frustrate [the] purpose” of the Israelites? Who was there encouraging God’s people? (Read Haggai 1; see Note 4:2.) 2. What specific actions did Israel’s enemies take as soon as […]

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