Let’s Make It Scriptural, Sharp and Simple!

The full authority of Scripture admits of no compromise; it is an item that is non-negotiable. “Thus saith the Lord” is sovereign, settled, and binding throughout the Book—from Genesis through Revelation. This we believe and profess, knowing full well that it is capable of its own defense. “For anyone who by faith accepts the Scriptures […]

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At the request of the board of the Reformed Fellowship, Rev. Peter De Jong of Dutton, Michigan, and Rev. Harry Van Dyken of Toronto (Woodbridge), Ontario have prepared the following preliminary observations on Report 36 (“Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority”). The 1971 Christian Reformed Church Synod decided to “submit the entire report to the […]

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Clippings . . .

Introduction: This, we hope, will be a monthly feature of OUTLOOK. In it we will quote or summarize certain things which appear in magazines “of Reformed persuasion.” Our range is limited to those periodicals which appear within the Christian Reformed Church, the Protestant Reformed Churches, the Orthodox Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian, Presbyterian U.S., Reformed Church in […]

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