LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT ART. 15. THE GRACE OF REGENERATION IS AN UNMERITED GIFT Unworthy The grace of regeneration is a gift of God. That is wonderful. The wonder increases for us, however, in proportion to our realization of our unworthiness of the gift. God who is in no wise obligated to save us, saved us! Without […]
Knowing the Spirit of revival has to do with the personal reception of the Holy Spirit. It is a matter of the mind, first of all, and then of the heart. The mind is confronted by the Word of God and the heart believes. You may ask why the mind is placed before the heart? […]
Modern Reformed Christians may be surprised to hear in Belgic Confession, Article 24 that faith regenerates. Similarly, John Calvin’s third chapter of Book III of the Institutes of the Christian Religion is also called “Regeneration by Faith.” Doesn’t regeneration precede faith? The statement in the Belgic Confession might even sound Arminian to some. That is […]
In the Old Testament God instituted a distinction between clean and unclean things (Lev. 11). But of what use is this distinction to us today? In Mark 7 Jesus applies this important biblical teaching to His hearers. In no uncertain terms Jesus says that all of us have become unclean because of our defiled hearts. […]
The Heidelberg Catechism’s doctrine of the Holy Spirit is most expansively taught in His work upon the Christian. From the beginning of our new life to our goal of eternity, and at every step in between in the ordo salutis, the Holy Spirit is central to our Christian life. In this we see that the […]