A Thousand Years

Much of the end-times disagreement among believers stems from differing interpretations of the millennium of Revelation 20. Regrettably, debate over the millennium is often the sum of what Christians understand to be the end times. As suggested previously, our view of the millennium is not our eschatology but merely an aspect of it. Our apprehension […]

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MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (EP) — Finally, a scandal in the Clinton Administration has captured the public’s imagination. Turning the White House into a high-rent “Motel 6” for wealthy contributors didn’t do it. Selling foreign policy to the highest bidder couldn’t hold our attention. All that real estate law and banking policy stuff in the Whitewater scandal […]

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Liberal Clergy and the Lewinsky Affair

The guest on the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s CNN television show August 22 was Rev. Jerry Falwell. Jackson,who regularly bashed Presidents Reagan and Bush for their foreign and domestic policies, and Falwell, who defended those Republican presidents, again found themselves on opposite sides. There was Jackson, quoting Scripture and asking why Falwell won’t forgive Clinton’s admitted […]

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Lying Under Oath: Past and Present

Quietly and without public comment the House Judiciary Committee is preparing for possible impeachment hearings against President Clinton. Defenders of the president claim that even if he lied under oath and in fact did have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, “everybody lies about sex” and therefore such a lie should not be an impeachable […]

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