Sizeable Group Secedes From Sanborn CRC ORANGE CITY, IOWA (October 4, 1994) RBPS – Amid much procedural confusion and charges of a lack of integrity, Classis of the Heartland has voted to affirm the work of its Interim Committee with regard to a secession from the denomination within its fourth-largest church. A special classis meeting […]
based on: The Challenge of Church Union, Cornelius Van Dam, editor, Winnipeg, Premier Publishing, 1993 When our Lord offered His high priestly prayer, He fervently asked of the Father “that they may all be one.” The fragrance of that petition continues to haunt the souls of all who truly know and love Him. Little has […]
Synodical Study Committee: “Expounding” Does Not Mean Women May Fill Christian Reformed Pulpits’ Will Christian Reformed Debate Change from Women in Office to Unordained Women Exhorters in Pulpits? GRAND RAPIDS, MI RBPS – A study committee appointed by Synod 1994 to determine the meaning of the term “expound the Word of God” has unanimously decided […]
Classis llliana Overtures CRC Synod to Disenfranchise Classis Grand Rapids East for Ecclesiastical Disobedience MUNSTER, IN (January 17, 1995) RBPS – If the Christian Reformed churches of the southeast Chicago suburbs have their way, an entire classis of the Christian Reformed denomination will see its delegates banned from voting at synod due to its support […]
Minnesota South Asks Synod to Disenfranchise Churches with Women Elders and Terminate Members from CRC Committees PIPESTONE, Minn. RBPS – Acting on an overture from Luverne (MN) Christian Reformed Church, Classis Minnesota South submitted a three-part overture to Synod 1995 that would ban churches with women elders from sending delegates to synod, ban members of […]
On March 7, 1995, the North Grand Rapids Ciassis of the Reformed Church in America voted “to remove the Seventh Reformed Church, its property and assets” from the classis and thus also from the Reformed Church in America (RCA). The crisis was precipitated by the General Synod 1993 which required congregations to subscribe for the […]
I am now a member of an orphan church. I refer to the Seventh Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, of which I was once the pastor, and to which I now belong under the excellent pastoral leadership of my successor, the Rev. Dr. John R. de Witt. On March 7, 1995, our classis, the North […]