THE EVOLUTION CONTRADICTS CREATION AND THE FLOOD Like the atheist, the theistic evolutionist holds that life evolved from nothing to swirling gas to gaseous hydrogen atom to amoeba to segmented marine flat worm to tree shrew to ape-man to Homo sapiens and continues to evolve. He believes that all living forms are solely the consequence […]
In our previous article we divided the discussion of evolution into the following propositions: 1. Matter has existed from eternity. 2. The earth and at least some stars are billions of years old. 3. Life in the form of one-celled organisms evolved from non-living matter. 4. All animals and plants evolved from one-celled organisms. 5. Man’s […]
Sabbaticals Elsewhere in this issue is an article by the Rev. John De Kruyter on sabbaticals for ministers. He has amply established the value of such periods of study. We can be thankful to the Seymour Christian Reformed Church and other churches in taking the leadership in this. Such a policy that enables a minister periodically […]
The Twilight Evolution by HENRY M. MORRIS, Baker Book House; 1963, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 103 pages, price $2.95 This little book, published under the auspices of !he Reformed Fellowship, is an excellent analysis of the contemporary situation with respect to evolutionary thought. In six compact chapters, Morris develops the thesis set forth in his title. […]
In the following article, Mrs. Groenendyk, after explaining the idea of “adiaphora,” discusses two main ideas: (1) Howard Van Till’s “Adiaphora Strategy” in The Fourth Day, and (2) Van Till’s “Adiaphora Strategy” in Reverse. This second section is satire which applies to Van Till’s book the same strategies he uses against the Bible. The headings […]
Dear Editors and readers of The Outlook: Imagine my surprise when I discovered an eight-page article on The Fourth Day in the March issue of The Outlook. The number eight and the month of March were especially significant to me in this context because it was eight years ago, in March of 1986, that I […]
Much of the church today is slipping into the morass of complacency, formalism, and compromise. In many cases the churches have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. One of the greatest spiritual plagues afflicting the church is the theory of evolution. Ironically, this erroneous concept was originally conceived and presented to the […]