The Nature of this Book Prof. Kuitert…invites “the congregation” to a conversation on the thematic idea of this book, namely, the understanding of Holy Scripture. AI· though this book has its own theological and philosophical starting-points, the author has not placed these on the docket for discussion, but rather a number of faith-judgments regarding the […]
This is the second and last of a series of articles which seek to inform the reader about recent Dutch reactions to the writings of Dr. H. M. Kuitert, Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Professor Kuitert delivered a number of lectures before the Christian Reformed Ministers’ Institute in Grand Rapids […]
As a speaker, Dr. Kuitert proves to be an interesting lecturer and the material which he presents keeps his audiences spellbound. The words come naturally without effort and without elaboration. No one in the audience will ever get the feeling that the lectures are beyond his range of understanding, and no one will ever accuse […]
Why do we follow the teachings of Dr. Kuitert so closely? Why do we read so much of him and about him? Why do we pay such close attention to what he says? Why do we talk so often about the so-called “new theology”? Simply because in Kuitert’s approach to understanding the Bible the trustworthiness […]
In addition to the criticism stated in my first and second articles the following critical remarks may be made. 1. If there were any doubt concerning the unreformed trend of Dr. Kuitert’s theology and suggested “new” approach to the understanding of Scripture, this doubt would be removed already with the tribute he pays in such […]
“If Adam and Eve never existed .and thus are no historical persons, then, Dr. Kuitert, how do you explain Romans 5:12, where we read, ‘Therefore, as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin…Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of […]
Lecturing to about 300 ministers at the Ministers Institute held at the Knollcrest campus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., during the first week of June, Dr. H. M. Kuitert spoke on the subject “A New Approach to Creation and Evolution.” The title of the lecture already aroused the interest of the ministers attending […]
Professor Dr. H. M. Kuitert spent the first two weeks of June in Grand Rapids and the Toronto-Hamilton area lecturing theology to sizeable audiences. Tuesday through Thursday of June 4–6 he lectured to more than three hundred Christian Reformed ministers at the Fine Arts Center on the Knollcrest campus of Calvin College. While presenting three […]
One who loves his Bible and believes it to be the inspired and therefore inerrant Word of God cannot but be disturbed by recent theological trends in Reformed circles in the Netherlands. A few months ago the Editor of Trowel and Sword criticized two Dutch publications, one by Dr. J. L. Koole, professor at the […]