In addition to the criticism stated in my first and second articles the following critical remarks may be made. 1. If there were any doubt concerning the unreformed trend of Dr. Kuitert’s theology and suggested “new” approach to the understanding of Scripture, this doubt would be removed already with the tribute he pays in such […]
We have seen that according to Dr. Kuitert we are to find out what is “the real matter,” i.e. God’s revelation and message for us today, and what can be discarded as “wrapping material,” i.e. the subjective, historically defined conceptions etc. of the human authors of Scripture. It is obvious that this task is of […]
One who loves his Bible and believes it to be the inspired and therefore inerrant Word of God cannot but be disturbed by recent theological trends in Reformed circles in the Netherlands. A few months ago the Editor of Trowel and Sword criticized two Dutch publications, one by Dr. J. L. Koole, professor at the […]