A CONFUSED STATE OF AFFAIRS In the preceding article it was stated that the situation is in a great flux in the Netherlands Gereformeerde Kerken. Movement and change are occurring in more than one respect. N. J. H. writes in the issue of Gereformeerd Weekblad of June 19, 1964, “Whoever knows anything about the tensions (in […]
Classis Submits Overtures for 1993 Ratification of Women in All Offices We want to call the attention of our readers to the overture submitted to Classis Grand Rapids East by First CRC. It comes in the political form of an Appeal designed to convince Synod 1993 of the error of Synod 1992. If the Appeal […]
GRANDVILLE, MI (February 24, 1993) – Classis Grandville’s January 21 regular meeting voted down a proposal to lift the deposition status of Beverly CRC (independent) pastor, Rev. Art Besteman. After twice closing its doors for a two hour long executive session, classis also authorized its “ad hoc assistance committee” to “engage appropriate legal counsel, and if necessary pursue legal action with the […]
It’s interesting to see what the juxtaposition of two letters can do to the meaning and “feel” of a word. Putting the “i” before the “t” in UNITED gives an assurance of solidarity and hope. Putting the “t” before the “i” in UNTIED can inject uncertainty, drifting, separation. FEMINISM Feminism in […]
The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church will gather for its annual meeting on the campus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on June 8, 1993. A prayer service for synod will be held the previous evening in the Mayfair CRC of Grand Rapids. For the first time, synod will devote its first afternoon and […]
On Wednesday, June 15, 1993, we were seated in the Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, very thankful that the majority committee regarding women in ecclesiastical office was recommending upholding the decision of Synod 1992 which maintained the wording of Church Order Article 3. Imagine our shock when after just a few minutes, the majority recommendation […]
The agenda before the 1993 CRC synod was, relatively speaking, rather light; but what It dealt WIth was very weighty. The matter of women and ecclesiastical office was again before the delegates of this year’s synod. Many members of the CRC felt that this issue had reached something of a resolution in 1992 when that synod […]
Synod 1993 concluded its sessions late Thursday afternoon, June 17. The final gavel sounded and the delegates prepared to return to their respective homes, churches and communities. Some left with a sense of major accomplishment while others left with heavy hearts and a deep concern for the denomination. Throughout the sessions synod attempted to divert the […]
Synod 1993 had several matters before it which have received relatively little attention in the shadow of the prevailing topics of women in office, regional synods and children at the Lord’s Table. The delegates were nonetheless confronted with these “lesser” matters, some equally controversial, some held over from past years, and had to decide what […]
The book by (Rev.) Clarence Boomsma was distributed to delegates of the CRC Synod ‘93 as a valuable contribution to the deliberations on women in church office. Cornelis P. Venema unmasks some of the grave assertions made by the author. In this one year allotted by Synod ‘93 for further discussion in the churches, members and office-bearers ought […]