The Christian Reformed Church on Trial

“I don’t know what is wrong with our church, the way it has handled the ‘Dekker matter.’” That remark was recently made to the writer of these lines by a minister in the Christian Reformed Church who has served the denomination well in several churches and in various broader ecclesiastical responsibilities and is still in active service. […]

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The February, 1967, issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET carried a review of the catechism curriculum material produced by the Committee on Education for grade six. The course is entitled Steps in Faith. In this review the Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel lodges some very serious criticisms against this course and comes to the conclusion that “this […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

LESSON EIGHTEEN ART. 6. CAUSE OF UNBELIEF IS IN THE SUBJECT, NOT IN THE OBJECTIVE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST. The sinner that perishes in unbelief, perishes in unbelief which is his own unbelief. There is nothing defective about the sacrifice of Christ, nor is the sacrifice insufficient to wash away his sin; the trouble lies with […]

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Needed a Consistent Witness

Dr. Van Til, affectionately called “Oom Kees” [Uncle Case] by students and friends, was a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and a frequent contributor to the Torch and Trumpet in its earliest years. For 43 years he served as professor of apologetics at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, being known for his strong and […]

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The Mercy Seat of God Meditation

“And the cheribum shall stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat.” Exodus 25:20 Last month we saw that the ark of the covenant was located in the Holy of Holies. It was the […]

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The Perfect Sin Offering Meditation

 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21 This verse, found at the end of chapter, sums up the entire fifth chapter. In fact, the verse sums up the entire book of 2 Corinthians. One could go […]

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