On November 2, millions of Americans will go to the polls to choose the next President of the United States. In participating in such a privilege, how should Christians evaluate the various candidates? How should we evaluate the ambitious platforms of our two major parties? Consider the Republican […]
Some time (years) ago I wrote some critical comments about the Committee for Ecumenicity of the URC with regard to its contacts with the Canadian Reformed Churches. The point of what I said was this: We should strive for unity with the Canadian Reformed Churches short of federative unity. That was not taken kindly of […]
A Biblical Case for Natural Law, by David VanDrunen. Grand Rapids: the Acton Institute, 2006. 69 pages. Reviewed by Mr. Matthew Tuininga. American Christians intent on calling their nation back to its Christian founding love to quote II Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray and […]
The confessional Reformed view of worship is in crisis today. Hundreds of churches that consider themselves to be Reformed are abandoning their focus on the preaching of the gospel, the administration of the sacraments, prayer, and fellowship. They are attempting to invigorate and inspire their congregations by broadening the meaning of worship to include human-inspired […]
There has been a vigorous debate on Wes White’s blog, Johannes Weslianus,2 regarding whether or not establishing the office of deaconess (or placing women in the office of deacon) would push the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) down the same slippery slope followed by the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). For those not aware of the […]
On Monday afternoon around 4:00, a tornado 200 to 300 yards wide tore down Beech Ridge Road in Beaufort County, North Carolina, a peaceful rural road where I spent the latter part of my youth and still consider home. My family and I moved into a solid, beautiful house about half a mile back from […]