Scriptural Preparation Revelation 13:1–10 Revelation 17:7–16 Matthew 24:15–31 Lesson Commentary Among others, the apostle John was given many vivid visions of the conditions that will be found on earth at the end of time. Their purpose is to warn the church about the devil’s wiles and relentless attacks so that it will be encouraged to […]
Scripture: Matthew 24:9–14; 2 Peter 2 Lesson Commentary Truly, persecution is a major sign of the times. It will increase and increase, culminating with the great tribulation, where, under the direction of Satan, all restraint will be thrown off and his purpose will be made clear. The enmity which began as soon as sin entered […]
Book Review: David Meengs Excelling in Relationships Everyone is surrounded by relationships. First, and foremost with God, our Creator; then with others including family, friends, fellow workers, and casual acquaintances; and finally, ourselves. David Meengs’s book, Excelling in Relationships, is a clear and simply written guide for daily Christian living and a biblical guide for solving […]