Two Worlds

(NOTE: This is the concluding installment at the Rev. Mr. Brink’s stirring analysis of the Biblical doctrine at the inevitable, God-ordained antithesis between the Kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of Satan.) 2. A Dangerous Movement Today! Those two worlds are today going through a two-fold movement—a movement which is desperately dangerous to the very existence of the […]

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Two Worlds

It may seem to be a little hazardous to suggest that any generation of people are dominated by a single idea. But I believe a little thought will reveal that this generation in which we live is dominated by one idea—the idea of ONE WORLD.                       […]

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A new dictator has risen to power! He is not a member of the United Nations Security Council. He is not officially recognized by any existing national government. He has not been elected to any office by any constituency. That dictator must be destroyed or we and our children shall be destroyed. But he is very […]

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When God Speaks

Reformed Christians accept among their creeds a statement called The Belgic Confession or, simply, The Confession of Faith. In the foreword to this creed we are told that a man in Belgium, Guido de Bres, died a martyr’s death because he wrote this creedal statement. It is, therefore, a thing to be taken seriously. In […]

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