Too Good to be True but True for all That

One of the classic “proofs,” so-called, of the resurrection of Jesus is the unbelief that prevailed among his followers even after Christ had risen. We are not at all interested in this unbelief as “proof” that he arose. The Word is sufficient and plain. We rejoice in the revelation of the Spirit and for his testimony in our hearts. […]

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Confessing a Holy Catholic Church

It is, of course, a matter of fact that the Christian Reformed Church exists separately. It is distinct from all other denominations—it has its own congregations, classes, synods. This separate and distinct existence of the Christian Reformed Church produces problems. One wonders whether it does not clash with the very confession to which the Christian Reformed […]

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“Unactualized Possibilites”…and the Confessions

The Reformed conception of divine sovereignty has been forged in the fires of controversy. In particular that doctrine has come into repeated conflict with the doctrine of human freedom and human responsibility. Time and time again the church has been called upon to explain these truths in the light of divine sovereignty. Again and again the […]

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The minutes of the Graafschap congregation give a very simple picture of the founding of the Christian Reformed Church. The records begin September 10, 1849. Nothing is said concerning the organization of the congregation. It consisted of about fifty families who had settled in the area two miles west and two and one half miles south […]

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Our Congregational Meetings

A few months ago the present writer—at the request of the editors—wrote a series of three articles for torch and trumpet regarding woman suffrage in the Christian Reformed churches. In these articles I sought to give an objective, historical account regarding the findings of certain synodical committees which had or which were studying the questions related to congregational meetings and woman suffrage. The writer felt […]

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