The Perfect Sin Offering Meditation

 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21 This verse, found at the end of chapter, sums up the entire fifth chapter. In fact, the verse sums up the entire book of 2 Corinthians. One could go […]

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Theological Liberals

As we serve the Lord in our Reformed congregations across the country, we need to remember that the leaven of theological liberalism is still with us. In this sense the dawn of the twenty-first century is not much different from the beginning of the twentieth. “The battle cry of modern culture,” Wolfhart Pannenberg observes, has […]

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Christian Unity: Exposing Counterfeit Unity (2)

Christian unity is important. In the previous article we underscored four reasons, witnessed by Scripture and experience, why Christian unity should be important to you. First, unity is a good and pleasant thing. Second, disunity is a bad and unpleasant thing. Third, unity is at the center of the Christian’s calling. Fourth, God promises to […]

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Bible Studies on the Life of Abraham Introduction

Genesis has been and continues to be a book of beginnings. The first eleven chapters provide us with the beginning of creation, the beginning of mankind, the beginning of sin, and the beginning of grace. We even saw the beginning of nations as the children of Noah had their tongues confused at the Tower of […]

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Theology affects practice. Practice affects theology. That is inevitable. Reformed theology has a practice of worship and evangelism that is consistent with its theology, and that sort of evangelism and worship reinforces Reformed theology. Many in the broader Christian world would say that Reformed theology affects evangelism by killing it, but we simply believe that […]

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Bavinck the Dogmatician: The Doctrine of Election

In the outline of his Reformed Dogmatics, Bavinck follows the usual sequence of doctrinal topics of Christian theology in the western tradition.1 As we have seen in previous articles, after an introductory volume on theological prolegomena, which treats at considerable length the formal questions of the nature of theology as a science and the doctrine […]

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