Bavinck the Dogmatician (I)

Though Herman Bavinck’s contributions to Christian scholarship were wide-ranging, he is properly known first of all for his work as a theologian. The most important work that Bavinck’s productive pen ever produced was his monumental, four-volume Reformed Dogmatics (hereafter RD). The translation and publication of Bavinck’s dogmatics in English is a project of signal value […]

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The Bronze Altar

“The priest shall make atonement for him in regard to his sin which he has committed, and he shall be forgiven.” Leviticus 4:35b For five hundred years the children of Israel had lived in Egypt as strangers in a strange land. During that time their numbers had greatly increased. A new Pharaoh had ascended the […]

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Amandus Polanus on Sanctification/Regeneration

Modern Reformed Christians may be surprised to hear in Belgic Confession, Article 24 that faith regenerates. Similarly, John Calvin’s third chapter of Book III of the Institutes of the Christian Religion is also called “Regeneration by Faith.” Doesn’t regeneration precede faith? The statement in the Belgic Confession might even sound Arminian to some. That is […]

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Read Genesis 45:16–28 Introduction: reconciliation after testing Joseph reveals himself to his stunned brothers. When the reality dawns upon them that they have been dealing all this time with their very own brother Joseph, the scene becomes very emotional. Joseph and Benjamin embrace each other and weep. The brothers talk together a long time about […]

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Examining the Nine Points: The Introduction (III)

Synod affirms that the Scriptures and confessions teach the doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone and that nothing that is taught under the rubric of covenant theology in our churches may contradict this fundamental doctrine. Therefore Synod rejects the errors of those…       Last month, as part of our consideration of […]

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The Character of the Church’s Creeds (I)

WHAT IS the character of the standards of a Reformed church, a church which aims at being a confessing church in the world by proclaiming the truth of God’s Word? This question demands a composite answer. Such an answer has been provided by the late Prof. P. Biesterveld in his Schets van de Symboliek. He […]

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