A Song of Ascents Psalm 133

Whenever in biblical times Jewish people would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate one of their feasts, they sang the songs of ascents recorded in Psalms 120 through 134. Singing these psalms, they expressed their joy in the Lord God as they came closer to the city and eventually arrived at God’s temple. When we approach […]

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Our Father in Heaven and Earthly Fathers

As those made in the image of God we are told to be like Him in perfection, holiness, and so on. If we are to be like God in being a Father it will help us to know what God has revealed about Himself as a Father. We have a good and clear example here […]

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Needs Which Wives Need Met At Home (2)

In Part 1 of this series entitled, “Needs Which Our Wives Need Met At Home”, we set forth and summarized these three needs with the acrostic T-L-C: Time; Love; and Communication. Having previously addressed the need of our wives for “Time which results in God-honoring, Christ-centered companionship and compatibility”, we now consider a second need […]

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A Word to Husbands

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered (1 Peter 3:7). Since Father’s Day is around the corner it might be a good time to hear a biblical word […]

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In the history of the Reformed churches, the distinction between a universal and an effectual call of the gospel is a commonplace. Even though there are a few advocates of a strong form of hyper-Calvinism, which denies that the gospel call should be preached to all sinners, the elect and non-elect alike, the mainstream of […]

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God’s People, My Parish – Jesus in My Heart

I had never met the man before. All I had was his name: Dennis. Having moved into my new church just a short time before, my elders had told me about this member of the congregation who was confined to a care facility some distance away. He was not that old, or so I was […]

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Book Reviews

Engelsma, David S. Reformed Education: the Christian School as Demand of the Covenant. Revised Edition. Grandville, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2000. V. 101 pp $8.00, paperback. The title of this book may turn off some readers, thinking it is for teachers, or that it will take such an outdated view of education that it […]

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Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1963

January 1963 “A true Church is the only Church which Christ uses and He alone is the hope of mankind.” Keeping the Church a Church Alexander C. De Jong “The greatest need of the hour is not to bring more men and women into the churches but to deepen the spiritual life of those who […]

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