Synod and the Republican National Convention

Recently Ted Koppel, TV reporter for ABC news, announced that he was leaving the Republican National Convention and probably would not attend the Democratic Convention because they had become staged media events. It was hard to find an interesting story since everyone was parroting the party line. Since the candidates had been selected well in […]

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Truths About the Holy Spirit

The Apostles’ Creed says it simply and succinctly, “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” The Nicene Creed, identifies the Holy Spirit as “the Lord and Giver of life; who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spake by the prophets.” Pentecost is […]

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What Happened at the CRC Synod?

The CRC Synod 2001 is now history. It completed its work Thursday evening, June 14. Although it had a fairly light agenda, it was in many ways a pivotal synod – not because of significant changes in policy, but because of major changes in personnel particularly in Calvin Seminary. The effects of these changes will […]

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Christian Reformed Church Agenda for Synod, 2003

For those interested in the Christian Reformed Church the annual agenda provides a good read. Unfortunately most of the copies will go unread. There are some 443 pages in this year’s Agenda for Synod. One can hardly summarize them within the confines of a short article, but the following are some highlights with a bit […]

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CRC Synod, 2003

When the Synod of Dordt met in 1619 it became the butt of considerable ridicule. Despite the fact that it affirmed the Biblical doctrines of grace, cartoons appeared depicting the delegates at Dordt standing around cheering as the reprobate are cast into the fiery pit of hell. Much public sympathy was obviously with Armenius, the […]

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