On Freedom

Freedom is the word which we still regard as most indicative of that which is the very warp and woof of our distinctive national inheritance. But what is the meaning of liberty?                   For a schoolboy it is often synonymous with absence of all restriction, which is then […]

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Predestination…the Pulpit…and the People

Not long ago someone said in effect to me, “I’m glad that very few ministers bother to preach about predestination nowadays. It is a doctrine best left buried in the preacher’s library. There arc too many unpleasant angles involved. And what sense is there in bringing up matters about which there arc so many hot arguments? […]

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A Footnote to the Academic Life

It is with some hesitation that I try to make an observation about the academic life in this college chapel. Yet I cannot resist the urge to make one observation on the life of the student. But I shall call it only a footnote, trusting that this modest title may help to arrest the student’s attention. […]

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The Christian View of Science and Scripture BERNARD RAMM, B.D., M.A., Ph.D. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapid., 1954. 368 pp. In this book the author attempts to bring into harmony the ideas of present clay science and evangelical Christianity. He believes that since God is the author of the Bible as well as the creator of […]

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To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace

Ephesians 1:3–6. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ: even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy without blemish before him in love: having foreordained us unto […]

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Woman Suffrage in the Church II

In two former issues of Torch and Trumpet I have first endeavored to state the issues involved in this question, and secondly indicate certain Scripture passages which have direct or indirect bearing on the question at hand. In this issue of our magazine I shall in the main reproduce the declaration adopted by the Reformed Ecumenical […]

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From a Principal’s Desk

Congratulations to the Midwest! If all goes according to schedule, the Midwest Christian Junior College will open its doors this September without a mortgage. Supporters of Christian education rejoice with the Midwest in this step forward. The junior college development in America has been very gradual. The junior high school movement has come to its own […]

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The Christian and the World

(What is the significance of Dr. Abraham Kuyper for the “problem of the relation of the Church to the world of culture”? Dr. Runner sets himself to describe Kuyper’s contribution in the concrete context of considerable difference of opinion in today’s Reformed community.) This default on the part of the Calvinists of the Reformation period with […]

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