A Child – God’s Design and Work

This month we are presenting a very personal family portrait with the prayer that you will understand our motivation — that of displaying the holiness of God’s creative design and work in the womb of a mother. On August 25, 1997 our daughter Jane and her husband Drew received the disappointing news from the doctor […]

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Letter to my son

To my son, Christian Andrew, God knit you together in your mother’s womb, you were fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that full well. God ordained your days in His book to be 16 weeks. The first time we saw you, you were already a very active busy boy. We had a strong feeling you […]

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Responding to the Sexual Revolution

In a previous article I argued that to see a significant reduction in the number of abortions in America we need to repeal the Sexual Revolution of the 60’s and 70’s, because popular acceptance of divorce, abortion and extra-marital sex form a unified cultural pattern. The three sins became socially acceptable in one cultural transition […]

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First there was phys-ed. Then came driver’s-ed. Next it was sex-ed and then drug-ed, followed by environment-ed. Now, President Clinton wants to add “diversity education” to the long list of non-academic subjects, even though surveys show the government schools are failing to achieve minimal standards in such critical areas as reading, science and geography. At […]

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The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (IX)

John Calvin, of the 16th century Reformation, was later known as the theologian of the Holy Spirit. The largest section of his Institution of the Christian Religion deals with the workings of the Holy Spirit. Basically, he saw the role of the Holy Spirit as one of magnifying the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who […]

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OBEDIENCE (2): The Third Use of the Law

Last month’s article examined the first two uses of the law, the civil and evangelical uses, in the light of Scripture and Reformed thought. In this article an attempt is made to set forth how the third use of the law developed in Reformed theology. A concluding article next month will deal with practical conclusions […]

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