Luther and Calvin on Biblical Interpretation

In the early 1520’s Elector Fredrick the Wise commissioned Martin Luther to prepare a homily for each Sunday throughout the year. In one of his homilies for the Christmas season, Luther suggested a somewhat peculiar interpretation of Luke 2:16: “And they found both Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in the manger.” Luther held […]

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The issue of education has caused a lot of dissension lately, especially in the secular world; but it has even entered our church families with regard to our covenant children. There are those who are staunch supporters of our Christian day schoolers, who disapprove of homeschooling. On the other hand, there are homeschool parents who […]

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Homeschooling: An Educational Choice (2)

INTRODUCTION In this part of our discussion, I want to share the results of two interviews done with two fine homeschool moms. The names of the the two moms I chose to interview are Cathy Arrick and Joan Buiter. I chose them because I know each one personally and admire them as Christians and as […]

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For the Love of His Church

I have chosen to share a few of my thoughts after speaking to the editors who encouraged me to write this article. In God’s providence I have had the privilege of serving on Christian school boards, as an elder for two terms and at present I am the president of the Christian Farmers Federation of […]

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Synod and the Republican National Convention

Recently Ted Koppel, TV reporter for ABC news, announced that he was leaving the Republican National Convention and probably would not attend the Democratic Convention because they had become staged media events. It was hard to find an interesting story since everyone was parroting the party line. Since the candidates had been selected well in […]

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Abortion’s ‘Silver Bullet’

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel has recommended approval of the drug mifepristone, known as RU486 or the “abortion pill.” Those who want the FDA to approve the drug have so highly politicized the debate that sound medical treatment and moral reasoning have become the first two casualties. In fact, FDA Commissioner David Kessler […]

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A Big Tent

The Republican National Convention recently met in San Diego and one of its dominant themes was that the Republican party is a big tent. The convention stressed that the party had room for women and minorities as well as men, for pro-choice as well as pro-life voters. The speakers emphasized that the convention was reaching […]

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Throughout this series of articles on the major millennial views, I have been stressing the fact that there are two major types of views, each of which has two distinguishable expressions. The first two views considered, classical premillennialism and dispensational premillennialism, share the conviction that Christ’s return will precede the period of the millennial kingdom. […]

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